Peluche: il suo nome in diverse lingue
Plush [pluhsh]: Thick, softh cloth, whoae pile is more than 0.3 cm high, used especially for covering things. From Old French peluchier
"to pull, to tug, to pluck" (the final process in weaving
plush), from Vulgar Latin *piluccare "remove hair"
Stuffed toy: It's a toy animal made with fabric and filled with stuffing.
(Letteralmente significa pupazzo imbottito)
Puppet [puhp-it]: A small doll or an artificial figure representing a human being or an animal. (Più simile a pupazzi o
marionette). 1520s (implied in puppetry), from Old French
poupette, dim. of poupée "doll" ; from Vulgar Latin root
*puppa; from Latin pupa "girl, doll".
Teddybear [te-de-ber]: A stuffed toy bear.
Jouet en peluche: gioco di peluche
Pantin: burattino
Doudou: Objet (souvent une peluche ou une couverture) qui donne du réconfort
aux bébés.
In Canada , per designare un animale di pezza, si usa toutou,
mentre doudou significa sempre una coperta o un pezzo di stoffa per
Plüschtier: peluche
Puppe: bambola
Muñeco de peluche: bambola di peluche;
Muñeco relleno: bambola imbottita
Russo плюш [plyush]: peluche кукольный [kukol'nyy]: pupazzo
Giapponese ぬいぐるみ [Nuigurumi]: pupazzo di peluche
毛絨玩具 [Máo róng wánjù]: pupazzo di peluche
Plush [pluhsh]: Thick, softh cloth, whoae pile is more than 0.3 cm high, used especially for covering things. From Old French peluchier
"to pull, to tug, to pluck" (the final process in weaving
plush), from Vulgar Latin *piluccare "remove hair"
Stuffed toy: It's a toy animal made with fabric and filled with stuffing.
(Letteralmente significa pupazzo imbottito)
Puppet [puhp-it]: A small doll or an artificial figure representing a human being or an animal. (Più simile a pupazzi o
marionette). 1520s (implied in puppetry), from Old French
poupette, dim. of poupée "doll" ; from Vulgar Latin root
*puppa; from Latin pupa "girl, doll".
Teddybear [te-de-ber]: A stuffed toy bear.
Jouet en peluche: gioco di peluche
Pantin: burattino
Doudou: Objet (souvent une peluche ou une couverture) qui donne du réconfort
aux bébés.
In Canada , per designare un animale di pezza, si usa toutou,
mentre doudou significa sempre una coperta o un pezzo di stoffa per
Plüschtier: peluche
Puppe: bambola
Muñeco de peluche: bambola di peluche;
Muñeco relleno: bambola imbottita
Russo плюш [plyush]: peluche кукольный [kukol'nyy]: pupazzo
Giapponese ぬいぐるみ [Nuigurumi]: pupazzo di peluche
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